Special Valentine’s Edition for Rob Thomas: Happy Birthday Rob!
As we dream and decide what gifts we need to find for that special someone in our lives, fans like ourselves enjoy the happiness of knowing that, February 14th, is Rob’s birthday.
He was born in 1972 on a U.S. military base in Landstuhl, Germany and the rest as we know is history. I want to share with you as a special birthday gift a poem I wrote about Rob.
I hope you feel that it embodies the person he is as well as the performer we’ve seen him to be through these years. I’m glad to be a fan! I’m happy that he has shared with us so much in his music and I can’t wait to see what’s around the bend.
Rob Thomas – 2010 birthday clip:
Rob Thomas – 2008 birthday clip:
This is for you, Rob
Wait – be prepared
to stop exactly on the spot
where I am
as the music starts
Rob’s strong voice
already listening
I start to feel
elevated ~
Then again as I watch
Rob’s performance
I’m reminded from
lines on his face
‘bright lights’ in his eyes
it’s his ever-pounding heart
what’s inside his blood
escaping from his soul
as he shares fragments
of himself
proving how much
this element called music
means to him in his life
willingly sharing
this kind fervor
with his fans
allowing them to feel
his elation ~
after all those
long days
it’s the fans
giving you
to keep creating
what you love
Thanks for the music
and here’s to even more!