Rob Thomas musical collaboration with Hall & Oates


This article was written by on Thursday, November 11th, 2010 | has written 12 articles

Rob Thomas and Daryl Hall

Rob Thomas and Daryl Hall

Remember the smooth acoustical sounds of Daryl Hall and John Oates from the ’70’s with songs like “Kiss on My List” and “She’s Gone” which were unique and unforgettable in their own right at that time. Well, think about adding Rob Thomas’s glassy glorious voice that we’ve become so used to listening to and add to this duo and it becomes a unique musical collaboration that I find myself wishing I had been present while they played not only songs from Hall & Oates but current songs from Rob Thomas and Matchbox 20 as well. Songs like 3 am, Disease, Someday and Ever the Same. As I discovered these video’s on YouTube late at night, I realized that this may be old news but these songs are so wonderful and feel so current with this collaboration that they must be shared with any fans of MB20 or Rt as well. In fact, these would be great to have a recording of and listen to anytime. Below are the links that I found to listen to this amazing music that definitely lasts through generations to today’s sound and they become classical, even.




Ever the Same

Kiss on My List

Aired on Live from Daryl’s house (Episode 31):

If anyone has any more information about this super cool musical collaboration, please share. I’ve been enjoying hearing this. I hope you will too.

Jflamingo (a.k.a Julie )