Is Rob Thomas the cheesiest man in rock and roll?


This article was written by on Thursday, November 4th, 2010 | has written 202 articles

Rob Thomas - Is he getting to cheesy?

Rob Thomas - Is he getting too cheesy?

Is Rob Thomas the Cheesiest man in Rock and Roll? How will Rob’s evolving cheesiness shape the new matchbox twenty album?

Many would agree, Rob Thomas’s latest album Cradlesong has certainly got the cheese factor, and should really be considered to be in a different genre of music than previous albums released with Matchbox Twenty. Comparing the wholesome uplifting sounds of Rob Thomas’ Someday to the raw seventies rock and roll sound of Matchbox Twenty’s Disease it would be easy to assume there was no relationship whatsoever.

Rob Thomas has been quoted as saying his Solo work allows him to put out music that is personal to him, and doesn’t need to be pre-approved by his band mates, but when you consider that Yourself or Someone Like You was written entirely by Rob Thomas you begin to see just how much the star has moved on from the days when he used to sleep in his friends’ car. Yourself or Someone Like You, still my personal favourite and the most successful album released by Matchbox Twenty or Rob Thomas to date, almost seemed to tap into some invisible niche, it’s phenomenal success paved the way for no less than five singles (compared with the usual 2 or 3 released by the band) and two solid years of touring. The album was filled with teenage angst and featured classic rock ballads such as Push and Long Day.

12 Years later, and cradlesong is a very different album to Yourself or someone Like You, the angst has almost vanished and we’re left having to look harder for the deep dark undertones often popular with rock music, some say it is there, and certainly the album artwork gives that impression (the mysterious ghostly white porcelain face of Rob Thomas appearing from the darkness) – but for me the music just doesn’t quite fit. The cradlesong album cover would be better suited as an alternative to the Mad Season Matchbox Twenty album cover.

The latest Rob Thomas music video – Someday, is based in New York and sees rob walking around the City during the NYC Hope Parade (is that right New Yorkers?) and is arguably Rob’s cheesiest video yet.. At one point we even see him tussle a kids hair… but what’s wrong with that I ask? Rob Thomas has always been great at cheese be it with his on stage “Dad Dance” (you know the one I mean!!!) or his Mr Nice Guy persona, why try and fight it, it’s inevitable!

One thing’s for sure, the cheese doesn’t seem to be dwindling, so we might as well go with it. I think die hard Matchbox Twenty fans would be sad if the band lost that sound that made them so famous, Exile on Mainstream’s six new tracks received mixed reviews, the lead single was a hit for sure, but many people thought the other five lacked substance and didn’t sound like true Matchbox Twenty Tracks – on the other hand it’s important to remember the dynamics of Matchbox Twenty have changed so much since they released their first three albums, they lost a member and Paul, long time Matchbox Twenty drummer moved to guitar, furthermore Matchbox Twenty writing is now a collaborative process, including all four members of the group – so change is inevitable.

Regardless of your preference, Matchbox Twenty will be producing diverse interesting music for a long time to come, and who wants to buy an album that’s the same as the last one anyway! Roll with the changes!

I know we’ll all be waiting with baited breath and what is most likely going to be the most unique album Matchbox Twenty has ever released, due out sometime in 2011 the new Matchbox Twenty album is sure to be a hit.

Is Rob Thomas the Cheesiest man in Rock and Roll?

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