Ever The Same; A Passion filled song that draws on raw emotion.


This article was written by on Thursday, February 17th, 2011 | has written 12 articles

Rob Thomas - Ever The Same

Rob Thomas - Ever The Same

As I went on my usual walk this morning, this song began to play on my MP3 player and I looked at the weeds in the pavement, I felt the concrete beneath my feet and somthing made me feel drawn to write this today. So many times this song has been played in many different arenas, on TV, on iPods, CD Players, Over the Radio, In Cars, in all 5 continents and in every walk of life; it’s overwhelming the many YouTube videos of it, and all because this song has drawn so much attention – not suprising considering the Hype the release of the song generated!

All I hope to do in writing this today is to help illustrate with justice the power of this magnificently beautiful song which has me feeling like I’m floating while the words “call on me” to “give you love.”

Each time I listen to this song, it reaches deep inside me, to a place that I had no idea even existed. It’s a raw emotion i think you can only feel when you listen to meaningful music. It’s the same song, I listen to it over and over but it’s different each time – somehow. Perhaps, it’s because I saw a new performance of Rob singing it and his intensity haunts me during his performance. It could be that I lost a friend and I’m forced to reflect “under the pale moonlight.” Or I’m experiencing the joy of my lovely family and we will always feel strong “like soldiers” in those times joy or when it comes down to when I need to hold my child “while he’s falling apart.” There are so many ways to experience how we can be there for one another and this song, for me, helps remind me to fully grasp that concept because love, warmth, and telling someone that they are “no burden – that’s for sure” truly helps them to know that “I’ll be there for you and you’ll be there for me.” In this pure quality of love, we are “Ever the Same.” It is the very essence of humanity and upon listening to this song I know I need love, but more than that I realize I also need to give love!

For me in this true form of love, its nature is shown simply through small actions, this is what shines in my darkest moments, it releases as I reach out to others in kindness and I believe it will be present in my life if I can even imagine while stopping, smelling roses and taking the time to see its lining in the clouds.

Here’s my invitation for you today: Close your eyes when you play this song, forget about all of what you’ve ever heard about this song. Be intent and listen quietly. See what you think about it after that.

I found these performances that I enjoyed, even though they aren’t perfect quality but I think they prove not only the power behind this song but the passion in Rob Thomas when he performs it. I think you’ll see – no – I hope you’ll feel what I mean.

Ever The Same Live at the Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne on the 5th feb 2010:

Shhh…be quiet because this is the softest performance I’ve ever seen –

Ever The Same Live @ the Coeur d’ Alene Casino:

08/11/10 Love this because Rob introduces band and talks a bit about writing songs –

Ever The Same – 12/5/09 Biloxi, MS @ Imperial Palace

An incredible up-close performance by Rob so I had to share:

Ever The Same Live at The Centre for the Performing Arts in Vancouver, BC 08/14/09:

Emotionally charged amazing performance by Rob!

Ever The Same Live in Cary, NC 09/28/09

Beautiful acoustic while everyone sings along